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How to Identify & Tackle Islamophobia in the Workplace


If you are in a leadership, management, HR or DEI role and would like to understand Islamophobia and its potential impact on your Muslim employees, then this guide is for you.

Anti-Muslim bias, discrimination against Muslims and fear, hatred of, or prejudice towards Muslims - i.e. Islamophobia  - is a social problem.

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  5321 Hits

What Should I Know About British Business Etiquette?


The British are known for their manners.

If you’re working with British people, it’s a good idea to get to grips with their culture.

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  8047 Hits

What’s the British Communication Style?


If you want to communicate productively with British colleagues and customers, then it’s important to understand the UK communication style.

This will help you to make a good impression and deliver your message in a way that gets the outcomes you need.

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  44787 Hits

British vs. Indian Culture - Important Cultural Differences


What are some of the important differences between British and Indian culture?

Here we'll examine some of the common areas within the workplace and professional world where Brits and Indians don't quite see eye-to-eye.

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  69035 Hits

Why are the British so Cold and Unfriendly?


This is a common stereotype often heard about the British.

In some parts of the world, they have a reputation for being ‘cold’ and ‘unfriendly’.

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  93998 Hits

8 Bonkers Aspects of the British Communication Style


The British communication style can be tricky for some foreigners.

Their complex use of indirect messages, suggestions and insinuation can be confusing.

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  22732 Hits

What Behaviours are Bad Manners in British Culture?


Overall, British society tends to be quite relaxed about most things.

However, with a certain way of doing things and an emphasis on manners, Brits can become quite irritated with people who fall short of expectations.

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  40994 Hits

How Do Business Meetings Run in The UK?


If you’re travelling to the UK for a business meeting, then be sure to make a good impression by understanding British meeting culture!

A little bit of cultural awareness can go a long way in improving communication and professional relationship building.

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  13813 Hits

British Business Culture Ranked 12th Easiest in the World


Culturally speaking, how easy would you say it is to do business with the UK?

Well the Business Culture Complexity Index ™ (BCCI), which assesses the potential complexity of a country's business culture, has just the answer!

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  4221 Hits

What should Expats know about the UK Before Relocating?

What should Expats know about the UK Before Relocating?

We have been helping inbound UK professionals and their families get to grips with British culture for over 15 years.


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  4808 Hits

British Culture Still Dictates Social Standing Through 'Class'


Like it or not, British culture is still rooted in the class system.

Despite increased multiculturalism and economic growth eroding class consciousness a little, under the surface and, class still creates a big gap in UK society.

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  21124 Hits

New Online Training Course on Doing Business in The UK


We are delighted to announce the release of an online cultural awareness training course on British culture.

Did you know that in The UK they celebrate a 'pancake day'? Yes! And it involves a pancake race too!

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  3089 Hits

Why Joining The TPP Spells 'Cultural Competence' for British Business

Why Joining The TPP Spells 'Cultural Competence' for British Business

With a ‘no deal’ Brexit looming, the need to trade outside of Europe is becoming a reality for many British businesses.

In fact, just this week, Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe told Britain we’d be welcome to join the Pacific Free Trade Pact (TPP) following our European exit if we’re unable to leave with a deal intact.

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  4509 Hits

UK Getting Cheaper for Expatriate Relocation Packages

UK Getting Cheaper for Expatriate Relocation Packages

Traditionally one of the more expensive destinations to send expatriate staff, a survey has found that the UK is now becoming cheaper for foreign companies.

The MyExpatriate Market Pay survey (published annually by ECA International) states that for the past few years the fall in the value of UK Sterling has meant that for companies outside the country, operating mainly in USD, sending resources to Britain has become around 11% cheaper.

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  6065 Hits

‘Foreigners’: Tebbit's Language is a Dying Relic of the Past

‘Foreigners’: Tebbit's Language is a Dying Relic of the Past

Seriously, who uses the word ‘foreigners’ as a brush reference to the diverse nationalities living in and beyond the borders of the UK? This word surely is a relic? Something from the past? 

Sitting on my perch last night in my normal nightly semi-comatose state after a hard day's work in front of the TV,  I was aroused from my stupor by the following reaction of Norman Tebbit when discussing the right of EU nationals to remain in the UK post Brexit:

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  6380 Hits

"Who on Earth Needs Cultural Awareness Training?"


I was recently at a dinner party in London for notable vultures and found myself speaking to a lovely vulture based in Wales who had flown down for the evening.

Conversation led to work and what I do here at Commisceo, and what we do as a company, i.e cultural awareness training.

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  5099 Hits

What are Some Tips on Marketing for Export?


Looking to sell globally?

Export marketing will be crucial to your prospects – however it is key to always remember “cultural differences” in the back of your mind when putting together a strategy and approach.

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  7344 Hits

Brexit and our Cross Cultural Future


As bridge-builders, interculturalists have a lot of work to do.

I’m going to be honest with you. I have written this blog once already – I fully expressed my views and vented my frustrations as to the recent events in the UK. I am now taking all those words back and starting again.

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  5362 Hits

Podolski Suffering from "Football Culture Shock"


Culture shock is often referred to as the experience an exptriate or tourist travelling to a new country goes through.

Did you ever think culture shock could happen to a premiership footballer?

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  11001 Hits

Do you have to be ‘Cultured’ to Understand other Cultures?


Life in Britain is becoming more multi-cultural.

We hear this view from the media, the government and experts all the time. But what does this ‘culture’ for which we are diversifying actually mean?

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  4807 Hits