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Why Joining The TPP Spells 'Cultural Competence' for British Business

Why Joining The TPP Spells 'Cultural Competence' for British Business

With a ‘no deal’ Brexit looming, the need to trade outside of Europe is becoming a reality for many British businesses.

In fact, just this week, Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe told Britain we’d be welcome to join the Pacific Free Trade Pact (TPP) following our European exit if we’re unable to leave with a deal intact.

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Brexodus - Managing Employee Relocation After Brexit

Brexodus - Managing Employee Relocation After Brexit

London business leaders visited Brussels last week in a bid to push for a financial services deal following Brexit. 

If the EU pursues plans to move Euro Clearing services back into the EU zone, then London may potentially lose its status as the European financial hub. 

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How to Negotiate Successfully with Different Cultures


What's your approach to negotiations?

Have your cake and eat it? Or are you happy if everyone gets a slice?

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What does Brexit Spell for HR?

What does Brexit Spell for HR?

As Brexit negotiations commence, HR teams have an invaluable role to play in helping the businesses within which they work to positively navigate the challenges presented by our EU withdrawal.

For most international companies, Brexit makes it necessary to revise long term business strategies – with changes being far greater for companies closely connected to the EU.

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Brexit-bound Britannia: The Skills, Insights and Knowledge We Need to Truly be a ‘Global Britain’


:: As of this week Brexit negotiations have officially commenced.

:: The UK will be leaving the EU within the next few years.

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How Diversity and Social Cohesion are Being Privatized by Politicians

How Diversity and Social Cohesion are Being Privatized by Politicians

With the final nails being beaten into the coffin of multiculturalism and politicians seemingly unable to grapple with its complexities, will we see the private sector taking ownership?

I think most people would agree that 2016 was full-on in terms of major events that are shaping our world. Some shook the world and will continue to do so in the coming years.   

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Erasmus is Key for Developing Cultural Awareness in British University Students


If UK loses out on Erasmus, we lose the next generation

One of the OMG moments I had during my post-Brexit bewilderment was what would happen to funding for the Erasmus programme; an EU initiative to support students to study abroad for one year.

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What are the Main Concerns for Expats Relocating Abroad?


Price Waterhouse Cooper predicts that as many as 70,000 British employees will relocate to alternative European locations between now and 2020 following the vite to Brexit vote.

This is not counting the thousands of non-British that could also leave.

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Where Will UK-based Businesses Go post-Brexit?


Will we see a business brain drain?

Britain’s impending exit from the EU has rallied a host of cries from its European brethren, encouraging businesses to continue accessing European skills and resources by relocating elsewhere.

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Brexit and our Cross Cultural Future


As bridge-builders, interculturalists have a lot of work to do.

I’m going to be honest with you. I have written this blog once already – I fully expressed my views and vented my frustrations as to the recent events in the UK. I am now taking all those words back and starting again.

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