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How Do Chinese Names Work?


Wherever you travel in the world, getting someone’s name wrong can be the difference between making a good impression or a bad impression.

If you’re travelling to China on business, it’s important that you take the time to understand the naming structures.

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  114704 Hits

How Do Business Meetings Run in The UK?


If you’re travelling to the UK for a business meeting, then be sure to make a good impression by understanding British meeting culture!

A little bit of cultural awareness can go a long way in improving communication and professional relationship building.

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  13360 Hits

How Should I Address People in Japan?


Whether for business or pleasure, if you’re travelling to Japan, it’s important you know how to address people.

Etiquette is an important part of Japanese culture and getting things wrong could result in you being perceived as rude or ignorant – not a good footing on which to start your trip to Japan.

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  77052 Hits

What's An Example of a Cultural Faux Pas?


Have you heard the story about the French student keeping money in his shoe?

Well, then we’re going to tell you a true story about a young French student called Victor who travelled to Thailand.

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  12259 Hits

10 Terrific Cultural Tips on Doing Business in ASEAN Countries


Working in the ASEAN region? Looking for some quick tips on how to do business? Need to know some of the main cultural differences you may come across?

Then this blog is for you!

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  9622 Hits

Culturally Aware Taxi Drivers Ensure Good PR for The UAE


If you’ve visited the UAE, then you’ll know that one of the things they do really well (particularly in Dubai), is to create great visitor experiences.

The UAE is known for its beautiful architecture, luxurious hotels, beautiful mosques, cultural landmarks and incredible tourist attractions.

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  4403 Hits

5 Chinese Dining Etiquette Tips You Really Need to Know


Doing business with the Chinese?

If so, then it’s more than likely that food will be involved at some point!

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  7295 Hits

Doing Business in Thailand? 10 Tips on Etiquette You Need to Know


If you are travelling to Thailand for work, then you really need to understand a little about Thai culture first.

Despite its reputation as the Land of Smiles, Thai culture is relatively formal and, if you behave in the wrong manner, people can judge you negatively for failing to show the right decorum.

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  18926 Hits

Nominication – How Alcohol Helps Communication in Japanese Business Culture


 Doing business or working in Japan can be tough for foreigners.

The cultural differences can be vast and it takes a while to get used to how the Japanese like to do things.

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  11368 Hits

Japanese Culture and the Art of Words


If you're doing business in Japan or working with the Japanese culture, it's crucial to get your head around some key language phrases.

The Japanese have a way of using words to beautify their communication.

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  6738 Hits

The Importance of Apologies in Japanese Culture


Did you know the Japanese have over 20 ways to say 'sorry'?

If you plan to do business in Japan, you need to get up to speed with how apologies work in Japanese culture.

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  9903 Hits

Israeli Chef Makes Etiquette Blunder with Dish Served to Japanese PM

Israeli Chef Makes Etiquette Blunder with Dish Served to Japanese PM

During a two-day visit to Israel last week, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended a meal created and served by celebrity chef Moshe Segev at Israeli PM Netenyahyus residence.

All was going well, and the meal proved to be outstanding until desert arrived, rather curiously, in a metal decorative shoe.

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  4802 Hits

Gift Giving Etiquette in the Middle East


The giving and receiving of gifts is an important part of professional and personal life in the Middle East.

Closely tied up with the need to maintain relationships and as a way of gaining and giving face, gift-giving bonds people together.

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  85335 Hits

Middle Finger Gesture Lands Briton in Dubai Courts


Having worked in Dubai for over 10 years, one of the things that constantly amazes me about visitors to the Emirate is that they think they have landed in some sort of desert version of Las Vegas, where everything goes.

Well, as British IT consultant Jamil Ahmed Mukadam has found out - it is anything but.

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  8145 Hits

How to Negotiate Successfully with Different Cultures


What's your approach to negotiations?

Have your cake and eat it? Or are you happy if everyone gets a slice?

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  8071 Hits

What do I Need to Know About Doing Business in Muslim Countries During Ramadan?


Do you work with or travel to Muslim majority countries? 

Then you need to know all about Ramadan!

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  17731 Hits

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Media Throw Confusion Over Wearing of Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Some recent news coverage focusing on Theresa May not wearing a headscarf on her business trip to Saudi Arabia has caused some major confusion over etiquette and protocol in the Kingdom.

Certain news outlets and media seemed to use terminology that suggested that the British PM May somehow 'refused' the idea of covering her hair.

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  37139 Hits

Etiquette Tips for Doing Business in Iran


Having received great feedback on my blog about the place of "tarof" in Persian culture, a few people have requested a brief guide to doing business in Iran for companies making the journey over.

So here goes....

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  21763 Hits

The 'Budgie Nine' - An Example of Cultural Ignorance

The 'Budgie Nine' - An Example of Cultural Ignorance

Have you heard about the 'Budgie Nine'?

If not, then here comes another perfect example of foreigners acting cuturally inappropriately when abroad.

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  6164 Hits

Ta'rof - Understanding the Essence of Iranian Etiquette & Culture

Ta'rof - Understanding the Essence of Iranian Etiquette & Culture

Despite continued political tensions with Iran, the demand for Iran cultural awareness training continues.

As a senior Iran cultural awareness trainer, I spend a lot of time helping businesses understand the nuances of Persian culture. 

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  41916 Hits