By Culture Vulture on Thursday, 14 January 2021
Category: Doing Business Abroad

The Importance of Reciprocity in Chinese Business Culture

Do you work with the Chinese?

If so, there are some fundamental cultural concepts you need to be aware of.

The Chinese have a certain way of ‘doing business’ which really needs to be understood by foreigners.

Failing to invest time in getting to know the Chinese approach to business, relationships, communication and hospitality, can result in failed ventures, wasted time, delays and even a loss of reputation.

In this article, we are going to be looking at reciprocity and what it means for foreigners working with the Chinese.

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eLearning COURSE on Chinese Business Culture
at the END of the page!

Reciprocity and Chinese Values

Reciprocity, i.e. mutual dependence, action or influence, is one of the key aspects of Chinese culture, not only in business but in life generally.

It is heavily connected to and intertwined with the concepts of Face and Guanxi (see below), both of which are also critical in any understanding of the Chinese.

Many Chinese tend to look at personal relationships as a means to an end, i.e. ‘what am I going to get out of this?’.

Reciprocity almost acts like a glue in a relationship as it bonds people together through an unspoken bartering of favours.

When you have guanxi with someone, you are expected to give and receive favours.

People do each other favours, ask for favours, give gifts and do all sorts of other things in order to pay or repay ‘debts’.

Guanxi (personal connections) are essential in Chinese culture. From the street to the boardroom.

Learn more about Guanxi here

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

How Does Reciprocity Work?

Simply put, Chinese people tend to keep a track of what they have been given, by who and how much it was worth.

They then feel obliged to repay the same amount back to the giver at some point, in order to balance the scales.

The Chinese New Year is used by many Chinese as the time of year to settle debts and reciprocate favours and good deeds.

So, reciprocity is all about connections between people, getting things done, giving face and ensuring you remain part of a network of influence.

3 Things Foreigners Should Know About Reciprocity

For many foreigners, the idea of reciprocity is a little alien for them as they may not come from cultures that rely on similar means and ways of relationship building.

This can trip some people up and cause problems with the Chinese.

So here are some important points to be aware of.

1. Keep a Balance Sheet

2. Never Give Anything Burdensome

3. Beware of Acceptance

Take a Course on Chinese Business Culture

We hope these tips on reciprocity have been useful.

If you’re serious about making a great impression with the Chinese, then have a look at our eLearning course.

It’s packed full of information on the people, culture, business practices and etiquette!

Here’s a peak or see the link to the sample below!