
Saudi Arabia’s drive for economic diversification is boosting the country’s international presence.

With more companies investing in Saudi Arabia and vice-versa, the country has become much more visible on the global stage.

This has led to an increase in the number of Saudis travelling abroad for business which has resulted in more organizations and companies approaching us for help on how to best host their Saudi visitors.

We thought we would share some of our tips for stakeholders interacting with guests, visitors and colleagues from Saudi Arabia.

Impress everyone at work, including your Saudi guests, with the 7 tips below!

saudi arabia culture training


 If you are welcoming guests from Saudi Arabia and need some cultural insights, you can take our e-Learning course on Saudi business culture or get a bespoke cultural training webinar for yourself or your team.



7 Tips on How to Host Business Guests and Visitors from Saudi Arabia

1. Saudi Arabian culture is relationship-driven

In Western business culture, there is a tendency to prioritise ‘getting the job done’ as opposed to getting to know people.

In Saudi business culture, it’s the other way around and considerable time is invested into building trust before making traction on the business front. This is an important consideration when hosting your Saudi colleagues.


2. Religion may shape the choice of entertainment

Since religion plays an important role in Saudi life, it’s important to consider its influences when selecting your choice of entertainment.

Most Saudis are Muslim and follow Islam, which as a religion has certain dos and dont’s.

People doing 'tawaf' (circumbulation) of the Ka'ba in Makkah

The modern-day state of Saudi Arabia is where the religion of Islam was born. Makkah is considered the birthplace. The Ka'ba (pictured above), which is in Makkah, is believed to be the location for the first 'house' built to worship one God, by Abraham. Millions of Muslims visit every year for a variety of religious reasons including the annual pilgrimage (Hajj).

Learn more about Saudi Arabia and its heritage here

3. Prayer times should be considered for observant Saudis

Although not all Saudis are observant Muslims, some are very observant and as a result, pray five times a day.

This can take place at their home, the office, a mosque or even outside. At least 2 or 3 of the prayers will take place during working hours so it’s a good idea to have something prepared for your Saudi visitors.


4. Talking about marriage and home life is typically taboo

Saudis tend to be extremely friendly and open to conversation. However, a common faux pas made by Westerners is to focus on husbands, wives and partners in small talk.

It’s best to avoid people’s love lives as it can make people feel very uncomfortable.


5. Honour is an important part of Saudi culture

The concept of honour is far more acute in Saudi Arabia than it is in other parts of the world. Saudis take their reputation very seriously.

Saying anything that causes them to lose face can have serious negative repercussions for the relationship.

Saudis at Signing Ceremony with Western Guest

If you plan on getting involved with negotiations, then click here for our tips on negotiating with Saudis. It's packed full of useful insights and guidance.

6. Saudis tend to communicate subtly and politely

The Saudi communication style can be indirect, and, unlike the Western communication style, Saudis rely much more on context and non-verbal communication.

They use body language and rather than simply say something, will imply it, especially if negative or delicate. Part of this is linked to the sensitivity around face and honour.


7. Gender can play a role when interacting with Saudis

Although the country is changing, traditionally Saudi Arabia has been a gender-segregated society.

Although your Saudi guests will appreciate that things are different in your country, it’s still important to avoid potentially awkward situations.

webinar training online

Take part in a live tailored webinar on Saudi culture and go into more detail around topics such as communication, meetings, teamwork and management.

Let one of our experts talk you through all the essentials of successfully working with Saudis.


Saudi Arabia cultural training elearning courses online


Alternatively, you can enroll our market-leading Saudi Arabia Cultural Training eLearning course.

You can sign-up in minutes, or we can also provide you with team licenses or a SCORM format for upload to your LMS. Contact us to discuss this further.


So, to summarize, here are 7 Tips on how to host business guests, visitors and colleagues from Saudi Arabia

1. Don’t forget about relationship building
2. Make appropriate entertainment choices
3. Manage prayer times and facilities
4. Avoid taboos in conversation and small talk
5. Be careful to protect and give face
6. Try to be as diplomatic as possible when communicating
7. Take note of potential issues around gender

We hope these tips will go a long way to helping you make a good impression with your Saudi visitors.

Let us know how you get on!